Games of Daze
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From slama@slama.pub.hr Fri Nov 18 20:23:46 1994
From: slama@slama.pub.hr (Davor Slamnig)
Newsgroups: comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.misc,rec.games.programmer
Subject: From Windows to VGA mode 13h and back - summary w. demo (long)
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 94 23:39:53 MET
Organization: Disorganized
Distribution: world
NNTP-Posting-Host: srcapp.srce.hr
Mime-Version: 1.0
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This message contains a summary of posts and my personal
e-mail concerning the ways to stay in Windows and get
rid of the GDI. Specifically, the goal was to enter
VGA mode 13h, make direct writes to VGA RAM, and return
to Windows GDI.
This way, you would have direct control over VGA RAM,
while still retaining the Windows memory management -
which means you can acces all the memory you have without
DOS-extenders (or Unix :)
There are 3 ways to do it:
1. Death / Resurrection (GDI.EXE)
2. DisableOEMLayer / EnableOEMLayer (USER.EXE)
3. DisplayDib (DISPDIB.DLL)
The first two function pairs are "undocumented" in
the sense that Microsoft doesn't mention them in manuals
and supposedly will not support them in future Windows
DisplayDib is the only "supported" function, although
information about it is hard to find.
This summary explains how to use all these functions
and how to get the VGA screen-start selector.
Thanks to all posters who unravelled the mystery
layer by layer (OEMLayer, too :)
I should have posted this about 6 months earlier, when the
threads were active. But different cards displayed different
glitches, and I was not really sure whether they were caused
by DisplayDib or by other parts of my program(s).
Anyway, I finaly wrote a bare-bones DisplayDib demo which
I'm appending to this text. The program enters DisplayDib
NOWAIT mode and then copies screen-sized buffers to VGA
I'm crossposting this to comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.misc
and rec.games.programmer because the original thread happened
in the windows conference, and the mechanism would be very
useful in game programming.
From: marnold@netcom.com (Matt Arnold)
Subject: Re: How to call an undocumented Windows function?
slama@slama.pub.hr (Davor Slamnig) writes:
> How do I go about calling an undocumented Windows function?
> I found strings "DEATH" and "RESURRECTION" in gdi.exe (these
> functions shuld kill and restore Windows GDI).
> I tried to call them by name from BC++, but the linker can't
> find them.
That's cause IMPORT.LIB does not contain these "undocumented" functions
for the linker to link with.
But you should be able to do it manually using...
hGDI = GetModuleHandle("GDI"); // check on name here, "GDI" might be wrong
lpfnDeath = GetProcInstance(hGDI, "DEATH");
lpfnDeath(); // call "DEATH" (takes parameters?)
...for example.
From: "Philip K. Chung" <pkchung@phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
Subject: Re: How to call an undocumented Windows function?
the follwing is taken directly out of _Undocumented_Windows_ by A.
Schulman, D. Maxey, and M. Pietrek:
pp. 559-560
Death GDI.121
void FAR PASCAL Death(HDC)
HDC hDC; /* handle of desktop device context */
This function , called from the undocumented DisableOEMLayer function,
disables the GDI display driver. This returns the display to the
default text mode defined for the device, normally 80x25 in 16 colors.
Used by: USER.EXE
Support: 3.0, 3.1
See also: Resurrection, DisableOEMLayer, EnableOEMLayer
p. 589
Resurrection GDI.122
HDC hDC; /* Handle of desktop device context */
WORD w1; /* unknown - set to 0 */
WORD w2; /* unknown - set to 0 */
WORD w3; /* unknown - set to 0 */
WORD w4; /* unknown - set to 0 */
WORD w5; /* unknown - set to 0 */
WORD w6; /* unknown - set to 0 */
This function, called from the undocumented EnableOEMLayter function,
enables the GDI graphics driver. The driver in turn sets the display
adapter to the active graphics mode for Windows.
Used by: USER.EXE
Support: 3.0, 3.1
See also: Death, DisableOEMLayer, EnableOEMLayer
hope this helps. if you really want to get into these undocumented
functions, you should definitely get this book. it comes with some
nifty utilities too. actually even if you don't want to actually use
these functions, it is probably a good book to take a look at. it's
about $40 i think. the publisher is Addison-Wesley ISBN
Subject: Re: How to call an undocumented Windows function?
From: Miguel Carrasquer <mcv@inter.nl.net>
I can tell you what Schulman c.s. say about these functions:
DisableOEMLayer disables the keyboard, mouse and display
drivers, the system timer, and restores the previous video
mode with a screen clear. It calls the (non-exported)
InternalBroadcastDriverMessage, and also sends a notification
to the network driver, if present. You are left in "raw"
DOS mode, but still in protected mode.
From: "Scott C. Cottrille" <scottco@cs.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: From Windows to VGA mode 13h and back
>From what I've been told, once you use Death(), you should be able to
directly write to VRAM. However, you will have to use the exported
selector _A000h from KRNL386.EXE to get a pointer to VRAM (since you're
still in protected mode). Try the following:
extern WORD _A000h;
PBYTE vidmem;
WORD wTmp;
wTmp = (WORD)(&_A000h);
vidmem = (PBYTE)MAKELP(wTmp, 0);
And in your .DEF file, under the imports section, add this line:
__A000h = KERNEL.174
Sender: "Pondor" <Pondor@aol.com>
Subject: Re: How to call an undocumented Windows function?
> I want to do direct to screen graphics under Windows.
> I manage to switch to VGA mode 13h (after killing GDI with
> DisableOEMLayer). But it seems that writing to absolute address
> 0xa0000000 doesn't work in Windows.
> Any hints?
pp. 429-430
DisableOEMLayer USER.4
void FAR PASCAL DisableOEMLayer(void);
This function disables the Windows OEM device interface. It disables the
keyboard, mouse and display drivers, and the system timer and restores the
prior (probably non-graphics) video mode with a screen clear. In addition,
it uses an internal call, InternalBroadcastDriverMessage, to signal to all
system drivers that the OEM layer is going down. If there is a network
driver present, it too is notified. This effectively leaves the machine in
"raw" DOS but still in protected mode.
See the discussion in EnableOEMLayer for more information.
Used by: WINOLDAP.MOD, WINOA286.MOD, but not WINOA386.MOD
Support: 3.0, 3.1
See also: EnableOEMLayer, and Death, Resurrection (Chapter 8)
Example: See EnableOEMLayer
pp. 447-449
EnableOEMLayer USER.3
void FAR PASCAL EnableOEMLayer(void);
This function enables the Windows OEM device interface, i.e. the interface
between the Windows device independent API and BIOS and DOS device drivers.
While the OEM layer is disabled, access to devices is not available from the
messaging interface; any application that disables the OEM layer must use
traditional interrupts for console communication, for example.
When the OEM layer is reenabled, the screen is restored to graphics mode and
the OEM layer takes over control of device management. Specifically, the GDI
layer is resurrected with a call to the undocumented Resurrection function,
and then input from the mouse, keyboard, and system timer is reenabled.
System device drivers are notified that the OEM layer is coming up using a
call to InternalBroadcastDriverMessage, (which is not exported). If there is
a network device driver, it too is notified. Finally, the desktop is
repainted; the message interface again becomes the means by which
applications communicate with devices.
In real mode (Windows 3.0 only) and Windows standard mode, which runs in the
286 protected mode if the 80286/80386 processors, this is the means by which
the Windows "Old App" (DOS) control application (WINOLDAP/WINOA286)
disables/enables the Windows device layer to allow traditional DOS
applications to run.
In 386 enhanced mode, where Windows runs in the V86 mode of the 80386
processor, DOS applications run in separate virtual machines (VM) and can be
"windowed" and preemptively multitasked. In this mode, the control program
(WINOA386) does not use Enable/DisableOEMLayer(), which do, however, still
Used by: WINOLDAP.MOD, WINOA286.MOD, but not WINOA386.MOD
Support: 3.0, 3.1
See also: DisableOEMLayer, and Death, Resurrection (chapter 8)
Example: Uses DisableOEMLayer and EnableOEMLayer to switch into full screen
text mode from within a Windows application.
#include <windows.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include "winio.h" // this in the accompanying disk
/* undocumented functions */
extern void FAR PASCAL EnableOEMLayer(void);
extern void FAR PASCAL DisableOEMLayer(void);
#include "checkord.c" // another file that comes with disk
void b800display(char *szDisplay)
unsigned lineofs = 0, chaarofs = 0, scrsel;
printf("Screen Selector is %04x\n",
scrsel = (WORD)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("KERNEL"), "__B800h"));
for (; *szDisplay; szDisplay++)
switch (*szDisplay) {
case '\r' : charofs = 0; break;
case '\n' : lineofs += 160; break;
default :
*(WORD FAR *) MK_FP(scrsel, lineofs+charofs) =
0xe00 | *szDisplay;
charofs += 2;
int main()
// Ord/name check
if (! (CheckOrdName("EnableOEMLayer", "USER", 3)) &&
(CheckOrdName("DisableOEMLayer", "USER", 4)))
return 0;
"The OEM layer has been disabled, and normal Windows\r\n"
"keyboard and display handling have been suspended./\r\n"
"Direct writes to b800:0 are being used to display this,\r\n"
"and a call to Int 16h will be used to get your keystroke.\r\n"
"Press a key to return.");
_asm {
mov ah, 0
int 16h
printf("\n\nProgram terminated.");
return 0;
From: christb@infmuc (Christian Barmala)
Subject: Re: Direct to video memory write under Windows
1. Use WinG
2. If you still want to access Video Memory be aware, that
you don't address SEGMENT:OFFSET, but SELECTOR:OFFSET.
You can create such a selector for instance with DPMI
services. Luckily Windows 3.1 exports some predefined
selectors like "_C000" and guess what they map?
From: brent@aimla.com (Brent Burley)
Subject: Re: Direct to video memory write under Windows
In article <2DqFqc1w165w@slama.pub.hr> slama@slama.pub.hr (Davor Slamnig) writes:
|> Well, I see that DISPDIB.DLL is in my \windows\system directory, and
|> that it contains two functions, DISPLAYDIBEX and DISPLAYDIB.
|> But BC++ 3.1 doesn't provide any information on their usage.
|> Can anybody explain DISPLAYDIB in few precise words?
|> Or do I have to buy something?
DisplayDib is described in the Microsoft Windows Multimedia
Programmer's Reference. This is the only formal description I know
of. The Video for Windows SDK includes an updated DISPDIB.DLL and
DISPDIB.H that have some enhancements that are not documented. But
it's all pretty easy to figure out.
If you have success with this, please post your experience. I'd like
more people to start using it so Microsoft will get the idea and
document and promote it better.
I've included DISPDIB.H to give you an idea.
Here is the way that I call it:
BOOLEAN VgaSwitch(int on)
// on = 0:turn off, 1:turn on, -1: read state
static BOOLEAN vgastatus = FALSE;
BOOLEAN prevstatus;
WORD flags;
if (on == -1) return vgastatus;
prevstatus = vgastatus;
if (on != vgastatus) {
if (on) flags = DISPLAYDIB_MODE_320x200x8 | DISPLAYDIB_BEGIN
#ifdef DEBUG
// If you don't do this, the debugger won't be able to run
// But it's probably bad to leave it in production code
if (DisplayDib(NULL, NULL, flags)) {
MessageBox(NULL, "Can't switch to VGA mode", "", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
on = FALSE;
vgastatus = on;
return prevstatus;
WORD __A000H;
if (VgaSwitch(-1) == 0) return 0;
// init physical display
#define GET_SEL(name) \
((WORD) (LOWORD(GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("KERNEL"), name))))
#ifndef MK_FP // from dos.h
#define MK_FP( seg,ofs )( (void _seg * )( seg ) +( void near * )( ofs ))
__A000H = GET_SEL("__A000H");
Display.data = (unsigned char *) MK_FP(__A000H, 0);
From: brent@aimla.com (Brent Burley)
Subject: Re: DisplayDib (VGA mode 13h in Windows)
In article <T0DJqc1w165w@slama.pub.hr>, slama@slama.pub.hr (Davor Slamnig) writes:
|> Question 1: Where does DisplayDib get the palette information
|> doesn't contain palette info:
If NOPALETTE is set, the palette is not set. It could have been set with a
previous call to DisplayDib or by using BIOS calls or writing to the palette
registers directly. Personally, I prefer to use the BIOS calls.
The initial state of the palette is undefined, though it may actually get the
Windows system palette or the current Windows palette if it has one. I'm not
really sure - best to assume its unknown.
|> Question 2: The DISPDIB.DLL supplied in DISPDIB.EXE is smaller
|> (4400 bytes) than the one I have on my system (5744 bytes). It contains
|> just the DisplayDib function, and "my" DLL has DisplayDibEx, too.
|> What does DisplayDibEx do?
The one I use I got from the Video for Windows SDK. It is 7168 bytes and is
dated 11/19/93. It seems to do a better job recovering from program
exceptions and critical errors that previous versions.
DisplayDibEx allows you to blit an image at an X,Y offset. Thus you can do
sprite like things. But I don't use it since I write directly to video
|> Question 3: Where can I get comprehensive information concerning
|> DISPDIB.DLL functions? Could somebody post and/or e-mail it to me?
There is a short description in the Multimedia Programmer's Reference. There
is also a mention in the article "Animation in Windows" on the Developer's
Library CD. I've heard rumor that it will be documented in the next WinG
release. But the best source of info is the header file and experimentation.
Some tips:
1) Make sure you have a mono monitor for debugging.
2) Set the DONT_LOCK_TASK flag in your debug versions.
3) Call Yield() before DisplayDib() if you want to switch to VGA at the
beginning of your program. Otherwise you won't get mouse input. And don't
ask me why.
4) Use the exported variable __A0000 to access the VGA frame buffer.
From: brent@aimla.com (Brent Burley)
Subject: Re: Direct to video memory write under Windows
In article <2gsgqc1w165w@slama.pub.hr>, slama@slama.pub.hr (Davor Slamnig) writes:
|> brent@aimla.com (Brent Burley) writes:
|> If Chicago supports DisplayDib, and doesn't include Death and
|> Resurrection, then DisplayDib is rewritten to use two new
|> undocumented Chicago functions.
A guy from Microsoft told me that they have reworked DisplayDib
considerably to get it to work properly under Chicago and that
Death/Resurrection will no longer be available.
I have also been told by someone who has the Chicago beta that
DisplayDib still works fine.
Summary: Death/Resurrection are undocumented - all bets are off.
DisplayDib _is_ documented and will continue to be available in
From: scottco@lynx.cs.washington.edu (Scott C. Cottrille)
Subject: Re: Direct to video memory write under Windows
Davor Slamnig (slama@slama.pub.hr) wrote:
: brent@aimla.com (Brent Burley) writes:
: > Death/Resurrection to use mode 13h in Windows is a BAD thing.
: > Use DisplayDib(). This is reliable, supported, works on all
: > systems, and will work under Chicago. Death/Resurrection is
: > not/does not/will not.
: >
: > DisplayDib is used by Microsoft for Video for Windows. It is
: > also recommended by Microsoft as the _only_ way to switch to
: > Mode X and write to video memory from Windows.
: Since I have no info on the usage of DisplayDib, I disassembled
: parts of DISPDIB.DLL. And guess what - it uses Death and
: Resurrection. So it can't be more reliable than them.
: If Chicago supports DisplayDib, and doesn't include Death and
: Resurrection, then DisplayDib is rewritten to use two new
: undocumented Chicago functions.
: Here are two excerpts from DISPDIB.DLL. Notice the characteristic 6
: zero args to Resurrection:
: ...
: cs:0344 50 push ax
: cs:0345 8BF8 mov di,ax
: cs:0347 9A67206F04 call 046F:2067 ;Death
: ...
: cs:04C3 50 push ax
: cs:04C4 6A00 push 0000
: cs:04C6 6A00 push 0000
: cs:04C8 6A00 push 0000
: cs:04CA 6A00 push 0000
: cs:04CC 6A00 push 0000
: cs:04CE 6A00 push 0000
: cs:04D0 8BF0 mov si,ax
: cs:04D2 9A8E206F04 call 046F:208E ;Resurrection
: ...
: Still, I'd like to have some information on DisplayDib and DisplayDibEx
: usage. An exact pointer to a ftp site, filenames & paths would be nice,
: or better yet some posted/mailed info. The DisplayDib args, at least.
: Slama
try ftp.microsoft.com, \Softlib\MSLFILES\dispdib.exe. There is a header file
that prototypes DisplayDib (but not DisplayDibEx, but I don't know what else
you'd need). The header file is not real verbose, but you can glean the
information you want from it.
/* */
/* DISPDIB.H - Include file for DisplayDib() function. */
/* */
/* Note: You must include WINDOWS.H before including this file. */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. */
/* */
// DisplayDib() error return codes
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOERROR 0x0000 // success
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOTSUPPORTED 0x0001 // function not supported
#define DISPLAYDIB_INVALIDDIB 0x0002 // null or invalid DIB header
#define DISPLAYDIB_INVALIDFORMAT 0x0003 // invalid DIB format
#define DISPLAYDIB_INVALIDTASK 0x0004 // not called from current task
// flags for <wFlags> parameter of DisplayDib()
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOPALETTE 0x0010 // don't set palette
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOCENTER 0x0020 // don't center image
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOWAIT 0x0040 // don't wait before returning
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOIMAGE 0x0080 // don't draw image
#define DISPLAYDIB_ZOOM2 0x0100 // stretch by 2
#define DISPLAYDIB_DONTLOCKTASK 0x0200 // don't lock current task
#define DISPLAYDIB_TEST 0x0400 // testing the command
#define DISPLAYDIB_NOFLIP 0x0800 // dont page flip
#define DISPLAYDIB_BEGIN 0x8000 // start of multiple calls
#define DISPLAYDIB_END 0x4000 // end of multiple calls
#define DISPLAYDIB_MODE 0x000F // mask for display mode
#define DISPLAYDIB_MODE_DEFAULT 0x0000 // default display mode
#define DISPLAYDIB_MODE_320x200x8 0x0001 // 320-by-200
#define DISPLAYDIB_MODE_320x240x8 0x0005 // 320-by-240
// function prototypes
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
UINT FAR PASCAL DisplayDibEx(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, int x, int y, LPSTR lpBits, WORD wFlags);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define DisplayDibBegin() DisplayDib(NULL, NULL, DISPLAYDIB_BEGIN)
#define DisplayDibEnd() DisplayDib(NULL, NULL, DISPLAYDIB_END)
DisplayDib demo
Davor Slamnig (slama@lama.pub.hr)
Gets screen address selector from kernel, enters DisplayDib
NOWAIT mode, copies prepared buffer to screen memory.
On keypress returns to Windows GUI.
BC++ 3.1, large model
Create DISPDIB.LIB import library for
WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DISPDIB.DLL using the Import lib utility.
Add DISPDIB.LIB to project.
#if !defined(__COMPACT__)
# if !defined(__LARGE__)
# if !defined(__HUGE__)
# error Large data model required.
# endif
# endif
#include <windows.h>
#include "dispdib.h"
//#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BALL_W 8
#define YLEN 18
char szAppName[] = "DisplayDib";
HWND Hwnd;
char Str[1000];
unsigned char *W_a000h;
unsigned char *Back_buf;
unsigned char Ball[] = {
0, 0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 0, 0,
0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 0,
9, 9,11, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1, 9,
9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1, 9,
9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 1, 1, 9,
0, 9, 9, 1, 1, 1, 9, 0,
0, 0, 9, 9, 9, 9, 0, 0,
int Y[YLEN] = {
20, 21, 23, 26, 30, 35, 41, 48, 56, 65,
75, 86, 98, 111, 126, 142, 159, 177
int Bouncing = 0;
void put_sprite(int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned char *bmap)
unsigned char *dest;
for(dest = Back_buf + y * 320 + x;
h > 0;
--h, bmap += w, dest += 320)
memcpy(dest, bmap, w);
void bounce_loop(void)
int x = 0, ydx = 0, xdir = 1, ydir = 1;
MSG msg;
memset(Back_buf, 0, 64000U);
put_sprite(x, Y[ydx], BALL_W, BALL_W, Ball);
memcpy(W_a000h, Back_buf, 64000U);
if(x >= 319 - BALL_W)
xdir = -4;
else if(x <= 0)
xdir = 4;
if(ydx >= YLEN - 1)
ydir = -1;
else if(ydx <= 0)
ydir = 1;
x += xdir;
ydx += ydir;
if(PeekMessage(&msg, Hwnd, 0, 0xffff, PM_REMOVE)){
void WVGA_init(void)
unsigned scrsel;
char KERNELname[200];
hKERNEL = GetModuleHandle("KERNEL");
GetModuleFileName(hKERNEL, KERNELname, 200);
scrsel = (unsigned)GetProcAddress(hKERNEL, "__A000h");
W_a000h = (unsigned char *)MAKELP(scrsel, 0);
void start_ddib(void)
size_t size;
memset(&Bmih, 0, size = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
Bmih.biSize = size;
Bmih.biPlanes = 1;
Bmih.biBitCount = 8;
Bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB;
DisplayDib(&Bmih, NULL,
void end_ddib(void)
long FAR PASCAL _export WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, UINT wParam,
LONG lParam)
HDC hdc;
RECT rect;
if((Back_buf = (unsigned char*)malloc(64000U)) == NULL){
MessageBox(NULL, "Can't alloc background buffer", "DDIB",
PostMessage(Hwnd, WM_DESTROY, NULL, NULL);
Bouncing = 1;
Bouncing = 0;
return 0;
Bouncing = 0;
return 0;
case WM_PAINT:
hdc = BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps);
SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(255, 255, 255));
GetClientRect (hwnd, &rect);
DrawText (hdc,
"\n\nDisplayDib Test\n\n\nDavor Slamnig, 11/94\
\n\nPress any key to start...",
-1, &rect, DT_CENTER);
EndPaint (hwnd, &ps);
return 0;
return 0 ;
return DefWindowProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam) ;
int PASCAL WinMain(HANDLE hInstance, HANDLE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpszCmdParam, int nCmdShow)
MSG msg;
WNDCLASS wndclass;
return msg.wParam;
wndclass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
wndclass.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0;
wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0;
wndclass.hInstance = hInstance;
wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
wndclass.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
wndclass.lpszClassName = szAppName;
RegisterClass (&wndclass);
Hwnd = CreateWindow(szAppName, szAppName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
hInstance, NULL);
ShowWindow(Hwnd, nCmdShow);
while(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)){
return msg.wParam;
-------------------------- end of code -------------------------